For businesses with greater banking needs. Benefit from an earnings credit that may help offset or eliminate monthly fees and other service charges.
- No minimum balance requirement
- Earnings credit1may offset fees
- $12.00 monthly maintenance fee
- $0.15 per item paid
- $0.12 per item deposited
- $0.35 per deposit ticket
- $25 minimum opening deposit
Plus Enjoy:
- Free Online Banking & Bill Pay
- Business Debit MasterCard™
- 24-Hour Telephone Access
- Optional ACH OriginationÂ
1Earnings Credit is available and is based on the collected balance retained in the account and may be used to offset fees. The percentage rate at which the Earnings Credit is calculated is variable and is subject to change at any time. A minimum balance of $1,000 is required for Earnings Credit to be applicable.
Non-ECTSB owners/operators may impose a fee/surcharge for use. Not responsible for fees imposed by banks, ATM operators and/or networks based outside the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, or U.S. Territories.